Sunday, Feb 16th

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Njemačka tvrtka traži distributera

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Ime: Michal Pavlíček
Telefon: +420602978781
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We are German producer of photovoltaic modules – “Made in Germany”. We are situated in location Chemnitz, Saxony, Germany. We would like to find some distributor in Croatia for our products. We are focused on roof top installations from 2kWp to 500kWp, where we can offer solution for all kinds of roofs and solar parking. We have also roof integrated system, which is require in France and Slovenia. I can offer you modules, inverters, mounting system, cables and connectors. Also our planning service for mounting system and calculation of optimal inverters in the start. If you have interest in our co-operation, don´t hesitate to contact me. I can visit you in your company in Croatia.

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Njemačka tvrtka traži distributera
Ime: Michal Pavlíček Telefon: +420602978781 eMail@adresa (kliknuti OVDJE) We are German producer of photovoltaic modules...

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